3-axis Satellite Antenna Positioner Manufacturer in Korea | GTL

GTL is a 3-axis antenna positioner and satellite antenna positioner manufacturer to enable the real-time and online checking of antenna status in a low-cost maintenance in Korea 

The low costs of developing and launching LEO satellites underpin the industry’s accelerating rate of LEO launches. Ground infrastructure is essential for the new generation of LEO satellite constellations. As such, GTL provides a cutting-edge infrastructure to support the expanding space industry. 

GTL Technology 

MFPM (Mechanical Failure Preventive Module): The antenna system with GTL's MFPM enables real-time and online checking of antenna status. It solves the problem of high maintenance costs for antennas, which enables their installation in various areas. 

3-axis drive control: The tilt axis of 7° slope, added to the traditional 2-axis structure, prevents data loss when the satellite passes the antenna's straight-up angle. 

Detachable design: The detachable design allows consumers to customize antenna freely in various development environments. It also provides a solution to upgrade an existing two-axis drive antenna by adding a tilt axis. 

Patent: The unique technology of GTL makes its antenna track signals from satellites automatically so that high-quality signals can be received continuously. 

Great Features of GTL Antenna Positioner

Ø  High-speed, powerful servomotors provide precision positioning and rapid slewing.

Ø  Standard reflectors are reinforced spun aluminum construction with surface accuracy up to 18 GHz.

Ø  Sealed mechanical systems permit pressurization of the entire unit, including matching feeds, to eliminate damage caused by condensing humidity.

Ø  Dynamic seals are rated to last life on the product and resist damage from sun, ice, ozone and blowing sand.

Ø  Electrical systems are designed and built to meet stringent safety standards, and are CE marked.

Ø  A variety of flexible single or multi-channel feeds are available for various applications.  Custom feeds are available. 

If you are looking for a 3-axis satellite antenna positioner manufacturer, you can find them at GTL. 

Click here to contact GTL. 

View more: GTL 3-axis Satellite Antenna Positioner Manufacturer in Korea


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